

One fine noon, I was asked to define
Of all the colours, I had seen till my prime
Which one hue, was I most akin to
Was it red, pink or green; was it ochre or blue?
The confab and query seemed a bit infantile
But I paused and pondered, then answered with a smile.

When my muscles were stronger and mind more agile
I could climb every tree and run a fast mile
Trudge through deserts and swim in deep seas  
Fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee
The colour of my life was a healthy bright pink
And from that fountain of youth thought, I'd forever drink.

But the fountain ran dry and life went awry
Problems came knocking, friends said goodbye
Joy was elusive and played hide n seek
Gloom all pervasive, jobs mostly bleak
The sun still rose daily, but never for me
So pink turned to blue and life looked dreary.

I made peace with blue and embraced my new life
But fate foiled my plans and struck like a knife
Obituaries looked familiar and faces therein
My emotions went numb as tears wet my skin
With alarming frequency, I began wearing white
And the colours changed again, without an invite.

As the loss of my loved ones made me ruminate
The agnostic in me finally knocked on faith’s gate
And slowly the noises, fell silent and mute
As God came calling in a cowherd's old flute
Soon the whites turned to ochre and ochre to red
And my soul felt so nourished and spirit well fed.

Now I love gardening and have a thumb green
With brown on my gloves and flowers umpteen
As I look at the sky which has just shed some rain
A rainbow appears as if to explain
That life’s not one colour, that just never fades
It's myriad in nature, so embrace every shade.

                                                  - Priti Singh 


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