

Just short of my half journey
And just the other day
At a bustling airport lounge 
Through the cacophony of sounds
I happened to share an hour
With a reflection of myself

An adolescent
Caught in time
In transition
Between worlds
Neither here nor there
On the cusp of adulthood
Still not out of the woods
Sitting frozen in time
On a couch, opposite mine
Understandably fidgety
And on the threshold of her climb!

I could sense she was aching
Aching to leap out
From a past shrouded in shelter
Into life’s dodgy arms
And yet excited too
About the unknown perhaps
Without a compass or maps
As she sat there
Uncertain of everything
Certainly of life
If she jumped
Will it catch her
In time
Busy as life was
With a billion other lives
And she bit her lower lip
Maybe at the thought
That she might slip
Through life’s fickle fingers
And the vagaries of time
What a crime
And shame that would be
For she knew not in that hour
The power of her tenacity
That I could clearly see
Because once I was her
And today, she was me!

As the whys and wherefores
Of her long impending journey
Coloured her tender mind
Now maligned
With emotions
And difficult to hide
Even behind
The famous teenage pride
That at some point
We’ve all known
As a friend or a foe
Questions began to lash her mind
What if I fell
Into the metaphorical well
Grandma always spoke of
Who could tell
What if I fell
Would it be hell 
Face down
In front of jeering crowds
The society and my peers
And at the corner of her eye
Formed a tiny tear
The twin glazed over
Over the fact perhaps
That like most of us
She had no safety net
She had no harness

I offered her my kerchief
And my most reassuring smile
And she took it and looked up
For the very first time
Eye to eye
Away from her device
Her trusty iPad
The only armour she had
In that crowded lounge
Like most lassies and lads
Her age
Holding on to their gadgets
Trapped in a cage
Of technology!

Her face was a fresco
Of acne and angst
Weighed down
By the looming anticipation
The impending birth pangs
Of what lay in the next chapter
Would she be truly free
Or life her captor
And she, 
Merely some floating debris?

But before I could speak
The speakers blared
Through the conditioned air
Of the room
And she left in a jiffy
With a simple “Thank you”
And in an instant 
Was swallowed up
By a sea of humanity
I could see her back
I could see her go
And somehow,
Only I could see her

I wish we had spoken
If only for a bit
I wish I could have told her
You don’t have to please 
Girl, you don’t have to fit
Don’t tax your mind
Learn to enjoy the journey
As I rewind mine
Embrace your uniqueness
Your quirkiness too
It’s what sets you apart
So listen to your heart
And just go with the flow
For the planets will align
And trust me girl, in time
You’ll end up just fine!     

                     - Priti Singh                          


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